Critical Theory


Critical Theory

Critical theory is a view of the world that reduces all social dynamics to power, oppression and the will to power. Critical theorists posit that groups and individuals who find success, stability, wealth or political influence have done so at the expense and oppression of marginalized groups, by creating institutions and infrastructure that perpetuate systemic oppression.

Critical theorists claim to examine societies in a way that expose the ideological and hegemonic forces that produce and sustain cultures and civilizations. Originally born in the Frankfurt School, a German think tank devoted to examining and neutralizing far-Left and far-Right political ambitions in the 1920s, Critical theory was quickly adopted by Hegelian Marxists, and has largely been used to promote far-Left ideas and practices, while silencing opposing ideas.

Critical theory has grown and diverged into many factions. You will find more details on different ways that critical theory has developed using the menu on the right.