Welcome to the LIGHTHOUSE website. 

For the past year, the Lighthouse network has been growing with members spanning coast-to-coast in Canada, and Canadian ex-pats all around the world.  

The network has offered the opportunity for Canadians of all walks of life to come together to share stories, information, concerns, and ideas. Although members of the network may be different and not always agree on issues, or have the same concerns, Lighthouse members share a common goal. 

Lighthouse network participants believe in the principles of a free liberal society which seeks to achieve justice while upholding the foundational freedoms and values of our society, including:  

·      Individual rights and freedoms and equal protection under the law. 

·      Freedom of speech and expression, and a respect for various points of view.

·      Societal  institutions which are based on  knowledge and expertise, and free from political bias, and discrimination of any kind. 

·      The rights of parents and guardians to raise children in a manner which respects their values and beliefs.

Today we are pleased to launch LIGHTHOUSE, our website. With the volunteer contributions, ideas and technical work of Lighthouse network members, the website has come together over the course of many months. It not only outlines who we are and what we are about, but it also functions as a hub for information, resource sharing, personal stories, and calls to action from likeminded organizations. 

For more information, check out the ABOUT US and our VISION, MISSION, VALUES sections, and enjoy browsing our site. 

Want to join the network? Fill out the form JOIN and someone will get back to you. 


EVENT: Canada’s Free Speech Crisis